If you happen to be a dog owner, you would be aware by now that your dog becomes the binding element of your family. Your joy, excitement, and physical activity level increase when you have them by your side. It is a well-known fact that having a dog at your home can keep you far away from any mental stress. You will always see them waiting for you with their twinkling eyes at your doorstep. They will also want you to play with them and give them the much-deserved attention and love that they want.
Playing games with your pooch is important because it helps them a lot in many ways. This can be by mental stimulation, eliminating boredom and engaging in something meaningful. This helps your dog to be smarter and can resolve the behavioural issues of your dog etc. So, for you to have enough fun time with them, here are 15 fun indoor games to play with your dog by Pawstro, a digital pet portrait company.
- Swimming
Well, you can’t just expect your doggo to happily jump in the pool unless you have trained him to dive in the water with confidence.

(Image Source: Shareably)
It’s a good recreational activity & you can have a great time chilling with your dog, trying your hand at different water games. Wait. Did we just give you an idea for Water Fetch? Try it next time!
We hope this list of games helps you to get started with innovative games that can challenge your dogs & help in their overall development. What are the games that you enjoy playing with your dogs? Do let us know in the comments.
- Dog Puzzles
Buying dog puzzles for your doggos can be an interesting and challenging task. Puzzles come in various shapes and sizes. You can also get your dog’s picture printed on these puzzles. You can easily find these online or in any nearby pet shop. These puzzles are often categorised into basic and challenging.

(Image Source: Jigsaw Puzzles)
If your dog is very new to this kind of concept, you should go only for the basics. Slowly, when you see progress and want them to have a better brain exercise, then opt for challenging.
- Hide and Seek
This game must be the most played game during anyone’s childhood, especially the 80s and 90s kids. You surely might have enjoyed playing this a lot as a kid, so you can do the same with your dog too! To do so, just try to make them familiar with your basic commands. Train them properly for eg: Sit, Stay, Up, Run, Stop etc. You can ask them to stay in a room, then go and find yourself the perfect hiding place.
After this, try calling them out by their name. This will not only develop their sense of understanding and acting on the demand, but also their listening skills will develop along with alertness and a sense of competition. As soon as they figure out where you are hidden, give them a big treat for this big accomplishment.
- Treasure Hunt
How about exercising the sense of smell of your cute doggos? This is the best way to test and improve their remarkable god gift.
Did you know that a dog has approx 45 times better scent receptors than humans? So, you can play treasure hunt with them by just arranging a few boxes upside down, placing an object or a treat for them beneath it and pushing them hard to sniff it around.
- Skateboarding
Do you love skateboarding? Then why keep it limited to yourself! Tillman – the English Bulldog was considered the fastest skateboarding dog & amazed netizens with his unique skateboarding skills.
Since then, many dog parents have started training their dogs for this sport. Guess what, the dogs absolutely enjoy skateboarding. You can take your dog to your nearest skateboarding facility and start practising with the basics. This game may need consistent practise but it’s very enjoyable for dogs.
- Simple Fetch (Indoor)
Playing fetch indoors can be a bit tricky; however, you can do it with a smaller object such as a dancing ball or a rubber stick. This game is also considered the best technique for the obedience training of your puppy.

(Image Source: Parade)
If your dog responds well to this game, then you can graduate to the next game on the list.
- Treat Fetch
In this variation of fetch, you treat your dog after every successful fetch that is completed. The element of treat acts as a reward for your dog and it helps in building the bond with you. You can include treat fetch in both indoor fetch as well as long yard fetch, depending upon the phase of your dog training. However, don’t spoil your dogs with the habit of treating and reserve this game as special breaks in your dog’s training schedule.
- Longyard Fetch
Longyard fetch, as the name suggests, requires open land. If you are living on a farm, then you can play this game without much trouble. Remember your dog won’t be on a leash while playing this game. So, avoid playing this game in public spaces such as gardens, parks or sanctuaries.

(Image Source: DogTime)
Private properties with restricted access are the best for Longyard fetch. This game gives your dog the rigorous physical exercise that’s needed for their physical training.
- Point the Duck
Do you live in counties where bird shooting is legal? If yes, then this is the game for your dog. Whether you have a Border Terrier, the Rottweiler or a Pudelpointer, when they are trained to grab the hunt; you know they are fit for the job. When you shoot the bird with your precise aim, you know your dog will bring the bird to you at the speed of light.
This game is not for all dogs, but for those who belong to regions where hunting is a part of the culture and pursued as a recreational activity. Great observation skills, patience and speed are the traits that your dog will be mastering with this game.
- Free Run
Running is the simplest & yet one of the most fun activities that you can take your dog to. Just like long yard fetch, you will need a restricted access space for this activity. Free run is a game that allows your dog to run without any obstacles. This game can play a crucial role in the endurance training of your dog and help in its physical development.
- Vertical Jump
This game is surely not an indoor activity. In this, you have to tie an object or a treat to a thread so that it suspends freely in the air. Adjust the height as per the size of your dog. Then you can allow your dog to try to jump vertically upwards and fetch the object.

(Image Source: PetHelpful)
You can change the thread length in each run and make the game more challenging for your dog.
- Long Jump
Dogs serving in forces get trained for this activity. There are barriers that the dogs are supposed to cross in a single jump. Wait, did we tell you that there is a world record for this game.
A dog called Sounders from Santa Rosa holds the Guinness Record for a whopping 11.02 meters long jump. Do you think your doggo has the potential to break this one? You can start training your dog at an early age then.
- Jungle Hike
Are you an avid hiker? Well, if those challenging trails in the woods are something that you like, then why not let your dog accompany you on your next hike. This way you get to spend a lot of time with your dog & it can be a fun bonding experience.

Keep in mind the duration and length of your hike & you can pack some water & food for your furry mate if the hike is going to take more than three hours.
- Carting
Gone are the days when dogs used to pull carts or wagons to transfer milk & other goods. Carting or also known as Drafting has evolved as a sport & there are enthusiasts and clubs conducting competitions where Dogs pull carts.
However, this activity is only recommended for dogs of medium to large-sized dogs that are physically fit. Remember, you can put a dog in front of the cart only after he is trained for it.
- Aqua Jump
Also known as dock jumping, this is a game that involves dogs diving into the water and aiming for the longest distances. This game first appeared in the year 1997 & continues to amaze people even today.
If you have access to either a natural water body such as a pond, river, seashore or pool, you can start training your dog for this game. Keep in mind for both you and your dog, the ability to swim is a prerequisite of this game sport.
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